Welcome my friends to the show that has no end, we just keep throwing more amazing songs at you, and so far, you guys are devouring them! I love that!
We are into the second full week of 2016, there is a huge Powerball jackpot to be won, hopefully I’ll land that whale, and start my own radio station, and pump this music out to the world, and devastate the zombie inducing pop music that seems to have taken ahold of so many potentially promising young people. Those poor bastards need our help!
Do your part and keep them away from any of Bob Costas’ idiotic ramblings!
The playlist for this week is:
1) Espiritu Muerto – Queensryche 2) Caffeine – Alice Cooper 3) Come On Over – Royal Blood 4) (Enter The) Twilight Coven – Scorpion Child 5) Helicoptors – Orchid 6) See The World With Your Own Eyes – Cadaver 7) All That Remains – Voodoo Hill 8) Scream – W.A.S.P. 9) Days Of Rock N’ Roll – Europe 10) Nowhere To Hide – Crobot