I have to start this week off by apologizing for the quality of my voice on this installment of your favorite hour of music. Being the klutz that I am, and the constant traveler, I drag my microphones around the globe to record this show weekly, and have since I started it way back when. This week I got to LA, checked into my hotel room, and its a great spot, lots of space, carpeted floor, and the room even had a fireplace, with a little ceramic tile. Well out pops the microphone, slips from my hands, and bam, onto the desk, then onto the floor! Not the carpet of course, but onto the tile. The two square feet of tile in the entire room!
Well I put it back together, and it worked fine for last weeks show, but it didn’t last. So as I went to record this weeks show in the middle of nowhere, I discovered that I was mic-less. I was forced to use the internal, so I sound a little tinty this week in my opinion. But that didn’t stop me from putting another rocking hour of music together for your listening pleasure!
The Playlist:
1) King Of The Rotten – Corrosion Of Conformity 2) Last Calls & Assholes – We’ve Traveled 3) The Son Of The Wind – Ricky Warwick 4) Fire & Water – Ace Frehley (Feat. Paul Stanley) 5) Burn On The Flame – The Sweet 6) Another Day – Mach 22 7) Dayrunner – StoneRider 8) Give Me One Reason – Leslie West 9) Jared James Nichols – Old Glory And The Wild Revival 10) All That I Want – Rival Sons